about a spoonful …

If you’re the sort of person that requires exact measurements – look away now.

A spoonful of sugar, or a shake of the sugar jar, are a collection of cookings, throw-togethers, eats and drinks that are often rated more highly on ease of preparation than on pizzaz.

I would like to think that we have wholesome, albeit somewhat slapdash diet in my house. My lastest is to consider the tin and opt for fresh or dried when contemplating the humble bean dish. While I am by no means a hippy – stand back if there is wine and cheese in the room – I recognise the potential of a healthy diet* and the benefit of limiting petrochemicals/BPA/plastic/SLS/some “E”s… I mean, the science around these things suggests that they probably aren’t cool in large doses.

So you’ll find mostly home cooked meals here, daddy-o. Plus some rad cocktails!

On that, apparently the metal of a muddling spoon conducts heat and ruins your Martini, James, so a wooden stirring stick is preferred. Realising that I’m not Kylie Kwong and that my oversized chopsticks require a higher order skill set, I use the fatter end of a chopstick to stir my cocktails.

I encourage creativity, substitution and guess-work in the kitchen. If I include measurements, don’t assume that I really measured, they will just to be to make you feel more comfortable.

Unless I start with “Use scales for this recipe…” then it’s by the rules all the way.

Bon Appetit !

* See step in time for a commentary on fitness

cocktail set


6 thoughts on “about a spoonful …

  1. That’s the way I cook to. I try to guestimate how much I am using and keep track for the sake of the reader. The other thing I do is – I almost never make the same recipe twice. Most of my cooking is by the seat of my pants, like what is in the fridge. I do have a few favs and standbys but not many.

    Great stuff here!

    • Yes, I find the same thing happens in my kitchen, in that I rarely make the exact dish twice. But if I find something that works I try to note it down because part of the problem is that I never remember what I did – or what I’m capable of. Glad you popped by and enjoyed.

  2. even when I follow a recipe I end up changing it! I think “why didn’t they add this herb?” and shake some in… I rarely weigh anything unless I’m baking! if it looks about right, it probably is but I usually add a bit more and then have some left over for freezing :-) great for lazy days!

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